Frameworks and case studies for enabling better teamwork from the world's best companies is a collection of public and open source frameworks, models and case studies to inspire better teamwork, brought to you by the team at TeamForm.

37 Signals, the company behind Basecamp, provides teams the tools to address the risks and unknowns at each stage of the product development process.

Airbnb shares learnings on how to enable cross-functional teams to work better together by innovating the way they build products.
Case Study

Amazon's distinctive organizational culture and ways of working are deeply rooted in its "Leadership Principles" and its “Working Backwards” methodology.
Case Study

Bayer has recently shifted towards a new operating model called “Dynamic Shared Ownership” (DSO) to enhance business agility and efficiency.

Buurtzorg employs a radical structure based on self-managed teams and an organisation with no managers.
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Canva scaled its engineering culture and ways of working by focusing on building shared understanding of its values, practices and principles.
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Docker uses Team Topologies to help foster flexibility, collaboration and focus.
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GitLab uses an operating model called “TeamOps”, which helps teams maximize productivity, flexibility, and autonomy.
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Haier is renowned for its innovative operating mode, which is characterised by micro-enterprises (ME’s) via their Rendanheyi Model.
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A case study from Intercom in 2015 on how they scaled their product teams.
Case Study

Lego Digital Solutions implemented SAFe to improve their collaboration and create a shared cadence for planning.
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Miro uses its AMPED cross-functional team model and autonomous decision making for empowered, user-centred product teams.
Case Study

Netflix is known for its transformative work culture, which is characterized by its agility and innovative approach to organizational structure and management.

NVIDIA employs a distinctive management approach and organisational structure that emphasises flexibility, openness, and rapid adaptation.
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Patagonia’s commitment to sustainability and environmental activism is woven directly into its unique operating model.
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The way Spotify organises and enables its squads to be more autonomous and effective has evolved while the core principles have stayed the same.
Case Study

Stripe relies on small, autonomous cross-functional squads that operate like mini-startups to deliver great products.
Case Study